CoCubes Programming Questions – 4

Find the number closest to n and divisible by m

Given two integers n and m. The problem is to find the number closest to n and divisible by m. If there are more than one such number, then output the one having maximum absolute value. If n is completely divisible by m, then output n only. Time complexity of O(1) is required.

Constraints: m != 0

We find value of n/m. Let this value be q. Then we find closest of two possibilities. One is q * m other is (m * (q + 1)) or (m * (q – 1)) depending on whether one of the given two numbers is negative or not.


closestNumber(n, m)
    Declare q, n1, n2
    q = n / m
    n1 = m * q

    if (n * m) > 0
        n2 = m * (q + 1)
        n2 = m * (q - 1)

    if abs(n-n1) < abs(n-n2)
        return n1
    return n2  

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