Print Number Star Right Diamond Pattern Type4
Basic knowledge of C language and use of loops.
- Take the number of rows as input from the user and store it in any variable.(‘r‘ in this case).
- Run a loop ‘r’ number of times to iterate through each of the rows. From i=0 to i<r. The loop should be structured as for( i=0 ; i<r : i++).
- Use an if condition to to print the top half of the triangle. if (i<=r/2). Then run a loop from j=0 to j<=i. The loop should be structured as for(j=0 ; j<=i ; j++)
- Run a nested if statement if(j!=0) then print star and i+2.
- Else print only i+2.
- Else statement for the outer if statement: run a loop from j=i to j<r. The loop should be structured as for(j=i ; j<r; j++)
- Inside this loop run an if statement if(j!=i) then print star and r-i+1.
- Else just print r-i+1.
- Inside the main loop print a newline to move to the next line after each row is printed.
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int i,j,r; //declaring integer variables i,j for loops and r for number of rows printf("Enter the number of rows(odd) :\n"); //Asking user for input scanf("%d",&r); //taking number of rows and saving it in variable r for(i=0;i<r;i++) // loop for number of rows { if(i<=(r/2)) //if condition to print the top half { for(j=0;j<=i;j++) // loop for digits per each row { if(j!=0) { printf("*%d",i+2); //printing digits and stars } else { printf("%d",i+2); //printing digits } } } else //else condition to print the bottom half { for(j=i;j<r;j++) //loop for printing { if(j!=i) { printf("*%d",r-i+1); //printing stars and digit } else { printf("%d",r-i+1); //printing digit } } } printf("\n"); // printing newline after each row } }
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