What is Hybrid Inheritance in C++

Hybrid or Multipath Inheritance in C++

On this page we will discuss about hybrid inheritance in C++ . As we know that inheritance is the process of  extending the source code of one class to another class . It’s interesting to know that we can have the combination of both multilevel and Hierarchical Inheritance . This type of inheritance is also known as Multipath or Hybrid Inheritance
What is Hybrid Inheritance in C++

Syntax to Implement Hybrid Inheritance in C++

  • The class that is acquiring the behaviors is called child class or derived class or subclass
  • The class from which behaviors are taken is called parent class or superclass or base class
class parent
class child1: access parent
  //contains properties of both
class child2: access parent
  //contains properties of both
class child2_1: access child2
  //contains properties of both
class child1_1:access child1
  //contains properties of both

Example: Program to demonstrate hybrid inheritance

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class A

void m1()
cout<<"\n m1 from class A";


class B: public A//B class inherits A as Parent

void m2()
cout<<"\n m2 from class B";
//contains data of A+B


class C: public A//C class inherits A as Parent

void m3()
cout<<"\n m3 from class C"; } //Contains data of A+C }; class D:public B//multilevel inheritance from A->B->D 

void m4()
  cout<<"\n m4 from class D"; } //contains data of class A+B+D }; class E:public C//multilevel inheritance from A->C->E

void m5()
  cout<<"\n m5 from class E";
  //contains data of class A+C+E


  D d;//contains A+B+D properties 
  E e;//contains A+C+E properties 



m1 from class A
m2 from class B
m4 from class D
m1 from class A
m3 from class C
m5 from class E

Hierarchal Inheritance from A-B and A-C

  • Class B contains 2 methods m1() from class A and m2() by its own
  • Class C contains 2 methods m1() from class A and m3() by its own

Multilevel inheritance from class A-B-D and A-C-E

  • Class D contains 3 methods m1() from class A and m2() from class B and its own method m4()
  • Class E contains 3 methods m1() from class A and m3() from class C and its own method m5()

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