Program for Print Integer in C

How to Print Integer in C programming?

It is very important for a program to display some output as to show that the program compiled successfully or not, but before doing that lets learn to Print integer in C on the stdout console. This is generally done by using the “printf” command in C programming language.



A general code to Print Integer in C language.
printf("%d", variableOfIntegerType);
  • printf– it is the predefined function to display something on the stdout console
  • %d– it is the datatype of the variable that is to be displayed.
  • variableOfIntegerType– it is the name of the variable that store value that is to be displayed by the printf function.

General Steps to Print Integer in C:

  • Step 1: Start
  • Step 2: Declare the variable num.
  • Step 3: Read input num from the user or can even initialize on your own. 
  • Step 4:While reading the input from the user use scanf() command to store the value in num.
  • Step5: To print the value stored in num use printf() command.
  • Step 6: As per the syntax use the datatype in-place of any and variable name instead of variableOfAnyType.
  • Step 7: The above step would print the value stored in num.
  • Step 8: Program end.


In these program we will learn to print integer by various methods.

Example 1 :

A simple program where we will Print Integer in C where variable value is pre-defined.

int main()
    int num=24;
    printf("Entered integer is: %d", num);
    return 0;


Entered integer is: 24

Example 2 :

Program where we willPrint the Integer in C where value of the variable is entered by the user.

int main() {   
    int number;
    printf("Enter an integer: ");  
    // reads and stores input
    scanf("%d", &number);

    // displays output
    printf("You entered: %d", number);
    return 0;


Enter an integer: 564


You entered: 564

Example 3 :

Program where we will count the number of digit using a function.

int main()  
    int num;
   printf("Enter an integer: ");  
    // reads and stores input
    scanf("%d", &num);

    // displays output by the function
    return 0;
void printingfun(int num)  
     printf("You have entered the intereger %d",num);


Enter an integer: 587


You have entered the intereger 587

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