Null Pointer In C


Null Pointers Definition :

A pointer that doesn’t point to any memory location is called a Null Pointer in C.It saves the segment’s base address.While void is the pointer’s type, the null pointer essentially holds the Null value.

Call by reference vs Call by value

Syntax :

int * ptr = NULL;

Null Pointers :

A pointer is referred to as a null pointer if there is no address that can be allocated to it. The pointer is regarded as a Null pointer when a NULL value is assigned to it.


Example :

void main ()
    int val1, val2;
    int *ptr =  0;  
    if (ptr == 0)
        ptr = &val1;
        val1 = 5;
    if (ptr ==  0)    
        ptr = &val2;
        val2 = 10;
    printf ("value of *ptr: %d ", *ptr);

Output :

value of *ptr: 5

Uses of Null Pointers :

  • used to initialise a pointer variable when no proper memory address has yet been assigned to it.
  • used to pass a null pointer as a function argument when no valid memory address should be passed.
  • prior to accessing any pointer variable, used to check for a null pointer.
    In order to handle errors in pointer-related code, for example, dereference pointer variables only if they are not NULL.

Application of Null Pointers in C :

  • When the pointer variable is not given a memory address
  • While using malloc() function, we use Null Pointers.
  • You should validate a pointer before dereferencing it. It stops unpredictable behaviour .It helps in handling errors as well.

Example :

int main()
    int * ptr =NULL;       // declaration of null pointer
        printf("Value of ptr is : %d",* ptr);
        printf("Pointer is invalid");
    return 0;

Output :

Pointer is invalid

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