%i Format Specifier

About %i Format Specifier :

Here, in this page we will discuss about the %i format specifier in C. They are used to take input and print output of different type. %i is one of the format specifier.

format specifier

%i Format Specifier :

  • %i is a format specifier used to take input in scanf and print output in printf as integer. % is used before any format specifier to check which data type is used.
  • %i takes integer value as integer value with decimal, hexadecimal or octal type. 
  • %i behave differently in printf and scanf function of the program.

Examples of %i Format Specifier  :

Let,s see some example for better understanding :

Example 1:


int main() {
    int val =25;
    printf("The value given is : %i", val);
    return 0;

Output :
The value given is : 25

Example 2 :


int main() {
    int val =25;
    float val2 = 25.1;
    printf("The value given is : %i\n", val);
    printf("The value given in flaot is : %f", val2);
    return 0;

Output :

The value given is : 25
The value given in flaot is : 25.100000

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