Double Data Type in C

C-Double Data Type

On this page we will discuss about Double Data Type which is used in C.
The Double data type is used to store floating point numbers that have a large range or require a high degree of precision(upto 15-17 digits).
double data type in C

Representation of Double Data Type in C

In C programming , the double data type is used to represent the various types of data in form of decimal numbers, negative values, real numbers etc.

The double data type is represented by 64 bits(0-63) in following manner:

  • 1  Bit is used for sign representation.
  • 11 Bits are used for the exponent.
  • 52 Bits are used for the fractional part(mantissa).
Double datatype in c representation
Double Data Type Information
Range 1.7E-308 to 1.7E+308
Storage size 8 bytes
Format Specifier %lf

Declaration of Double type variable

double variable_name;

Initialization of Double type variable

A double variable can be initialized in two ways as follows:

1. By assigning value to a variable using assignment operator.

cost = 13.31;
2. By assigning value to a variable during declaration only using assignment operator.
double cost = 13.31;

Program to Demonstrate the use of Double Data Type

Example 1:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    // Initialization of temporary double type variables
    double x =  456456456.00;
    double y =  14.319246;
    double z =  6786543210.321321;
    printf("Value of variable x is %lf\n", x);
    printf("Value of variable y is %lf\n", y);
    printf("Value of variable z is %lf", z);
    return 0;


Value of variable x is 456456456.000000
Value of variable y is 14.319246
Value of variable z is 6786543210.321321

Example 2:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()  
    // declaration of the double variables  
    double p, q, sum;  
    printf (" Enter two double numbers\n ");  

    // take two double variable from user     
    scanf(" %lf %lf", &p, &q);  
    // Assign sum of double variables to sum variable.
    sum = p + q;
    printf (" The result of sum of two double numbers is: %lf", sum);  
    return 0;  


Enter two double numbers
The result of sum of two double numbers is: 46.960000

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