How to Clear MeritTrac Written test

MeritTrac Placement Preparation Dashboard

MeritTtrac provide end to end assesment solutions for companies and banks. MeritTrac provides Placement solutions and Services for many big MNC’s. 
 MeritTrac Exams are little difficult but it is very easy to crack after proper preparations.Prepinsta provide best Study material and Perfect Preparation classes to Prepare for MeritTtac Exam.
Every year lakhs of student are Graduated and appear for MeritTrac test. Compaines like  Amdocs, Infosys, Sony,CA Technologies, Accenture, Cognizant, HSBC,  ICICI, Ernest and Young hire through MeritTrac.
 Also Join this Facebook Group where other students share Questions and Study Materials –

Check Syllabus of MeritTrac on this page here.

Note – If you have any question regarding the exam, comment at the end of the page we will answer within 10 mins.


MeritTrac Placement Preparation

About MeritTrac Exam

MeritTrac conducts exams for leading government departments, PSUs, educational institutions and corporate entities.

They have Delivered 45 millions assesments. They are spreaded across 350 cities. They have build 360 vaildated test and updated every time.

MeritTrac Free Preparation Material

How to clear MeritTrac Exam

Click here to visit MeritTrac Quantitative Ability Paper Section

MeritTrac importance and Difficulty level for each section

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Tips for MeritTrac Exam

  • Preparation must be done section-wise. Instead of scoring very high marks in one section and scoring less than cut off marks in other. It is advisable to prepare equally for each module and score more than cut off marks for each section in MeritTrac.
  • Study material on our website is very focused and curated by experts. Sample papers and model question papers pdfs are the best ways for preparation for such exams.
  • There is no negative marking in MeritTrac thus, if you’re not able to solve all questions atleast answer them randomly.
  • MeritTrac placement papers and materials are good resource to study but it is always noticed that some additional topics are asked and these topics keep changing every now and then. Thus, it is advisable to also study from good books like Rs Agarwal or Arun Sharma.
  • Giving Merittrac model test papers and getting to know your preparedness is very important.


Most frequent questions and answers

 No, there is no negative marking for assessment paper. Infact, If a student solve the one section very quicly then he gets more time to solve other sections.

No, This test is not Proctored thorugh webcam. since other assesment have these which makes very difficult for student to give exam.

For, MeritTrac you can visit thier site for refernce and study from the Prepinsta to clear the test. They provide all the study material and preparation tips.

Most of the on campuses compaines uses the Merittrac for conducting the tests.

Some of IT Mass Recruiting compainies  uses are :-

  • Accenture
  • Infosys
  • Cognizant
  • CA Technologies

You can find MeritTrac Questions and Sample Papers for the test on our website which will help you to score better in the MeritTrac online test questions. Prepinsta Free Material Consist most of the simliar kind questions.

They conduct computer-based testing, pen and paper tests, just-in-time question papers and on-screen marking capability test.

One comment on “How to Clear MeritTrac Written test”

  • Rahul Sahani

    If you have any doubts regarding MeritTrac Written Test, please comment here in the comment section and we will help you out.