Constructor and Destructor in C++

Constructor and Destructor in C++

The constructor is used to allocate the memory if required and constructs the object of the class. Whereas, a destructor is used to perform required clean-up when an object is destroyed . The destructor is called automatically by the compiler when an object gets destroyed. Here, on this page, we will discuss Constructors and Destructors in C++.

Constructor and Destructor in C++

Constructor in C++

  • When we create an object and don’t assign values the data of that object take up garbage values.
  • To make sure that this doesn’t happen we use constructors to assign values to them as soon as they are created or memory is assigned.

The new version of C++ automatically calls a default constructor implicitly to assign a default value in cases when we don’t create a constructor ourselves.

Constructor and Destructors in C++

Syntax –

A constructor can be declared –

  1. Inside the class
  2. Outside the class (using scope resolution :: operator)

More information

  1. Constructors have the same name as class name
  2. They are called using classname and (); example myClass();
  3. They can also be defined(initialised) outside class by using the class name and scope resolution :: operator.

Example Syntax

Destructors in C++

We worked with initialising the object values, but what when the scope of the object ends?

We must also destroy the object, right ! For this we use Destructors in C++. We can create our own destructor as follows –


  1. Destructors will never have any arguments.
  2. The class name is used for the name of the destructor, with a ~ sign as a prefix to it.
class myClass
  // this automaticlly destroyed
  // the current instance of the class
Constructor and Destructors in C++ 2

Let us look at an example how we can implement destructors and constructors together in sync


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class myClass
        cout << "Constructor called" << endl;
        cout << "Destructor called" << endl;

int main()
    myClass obj1; // Constructor Called for obj1
    int x = 1;
        myClass obj2; // Constructor Called for obj2
    } // Destructor Called for obj2 as obj2 out of scope
    return 0;
}// Destructor called for obj1 as obj1 out of scope

Output –

Constructor called
Constructor called
Destructor called
Destructor called

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