C++ program to count nodes in circular linked list

How to count nodes in circular linked list in C++?

To write a C++ program to count nodes in circular linked list, we need to initialize a node pointer and a variable that will store the count of nodes. Use the node pointer to point each node of the list and increase the count of the counter variable by one on every successful iteration. Stop the iteration when node pointer points the head.

C++ Program to count number of nodes in circular linked list

Steps write a C++ program to count nodes in circular linked list

  1. Write set of codes to construct circular linked list.
  2. Create a function to build the circular linked list.
  3. Make a function to print the circular linked list data.
  4. Create a function to count the number of nodes present in circular linked list.
  5. In this function initialize a variable to count the number of nodes.
  6. Initialize a pointer that will point to each node on every successful iteration.
  7. Stop the iteration when pointer points the head again.
  8. Return the count of nodes.
  9. Now call these functions in the main function and print the total count of nodes.
struct Node
  int num;
  struct Node *next;
C++ Program to count number of nodes in circular linked list .

Algorithm to count nodes in circular linked list in C++

  • INT CNT=0
  • DO
  • CUR = CUR -> NEXT
  • CNT++

C++ program for counting nodes in circular linked list

using namespace std;

struct Node
  int num;
  struct Node *next;
} *head;

void insertStart (struct Node **head, int data)	//function to create linked list
  struct Node *newNode = (struct Node *) malloc (sizeof (struct Node));
  newNode->num = data;

  // if its the first node being entered
  if (*head == NULL)
      *head = newNode;		// assigning itself as head
      (*head)->next = *head;	// assigning itself as next node

      cout << newNode->num << " Inserted\n";

  // if CLL already as >=1 node
  struct Node *curr = *head;

  // traverse till last node in CLL
  while (curr->next != *head)
      curr = curr->next;

  curr->next = newNode;		// last node's next as this new node
  newNode->next = *head;	// new node's next as current head node

  *head = newNode;		// changing head node to this new node
  cout << newNode->num << " Inserted\n";

  // previous head node becomes 2nd node

void display (struct Node *head)

  //cout << "\nCircular Linked List : " << endl;

  // if circular linked list is empty currently
  if (head == NULL)

  struct Node *temp = head;

  // since we need to take care of circular nature of linked list
      cout << temp->num << " ";
      temp = temp->next;

  while (temp != head);
  cout << endl;

int count (struct Node *head)	//function to count number of nodes
  int cnt = 0;
  struct Node *cur = head;

  //Iterating till end of list
      cur = cur->next;
  while (cur != head);

  return cnt;

int main ()				//main function
  head = NULL;

  insertStart (&head, 1);
  insertStart (&head, 2);
  insertStart (&head, 3);
  insertStart (&head, 4);
  insertStart (&head, 5);
  struct Node *head1 = NULL;
  struct Node *head2 = NULL;
  cout << "\nCircular linked list data:\n";
  display (head);
  cout << "\nTotal number of nodes are: " << count (head);
1 Inserted
2 Inserted
3 Inserted
4 Inserted
5 Inserted

Circular linked list data:
5 4 3 2 1 

Total number of nodes are: 5

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Circular Linked List